Pay for the service with the credit card, then be sure to have cash on hand for the tip. This way, you can hand it to her directly, and know that she received what you intended for her.
In some places (primarily restaurants) where tips are applied to credit card purchases, it is policy to equally divide the tips among the servers. Even though the name of the server is usually on the receipt, it is time-consuming tor management to go through hundreds of receipts - and most won't take the time to insure each person gets their fair share.
This is unfair to those who do an exceptionally good job, and receive a higher tip - they are forced to share the same with the lousy server who neglected his/her patrons.How can I be certain that my nail technician gets the tip I leave her?
I would really give the tip straight to the technician.
other wise theres no knowing.
If you do not have cash on hand to tip her seeing that you know how much it will be then do what I do... I leave a little envelope with her name on it, and let her know how much tip she will receive - BUT be sure to ask the owner if they deduct anything from the tip - for the owner is charged 3 or 5% of the charge from the credit card company - therefore your tip might be deducted that 3 or 5% (whatever the agreement is between the salon and the credit card company).
The owner may not, but I have been to many that do. I say, if you go often, than make a point of having the cash on hand for the tip, and give it right to her after you pay.
why don't you just bring cash and hand it to her personally with a ';Thank you';. In the restaurants I always leave the server cash even if I pay the bill by cc
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