Saturday, January 9, 2010

Im studying to be a nail technician does anyone know if the anatomy is important?

Very important. There are pressure points in the feet, hands and wrists that could lead to extended numbing or paralysis if pressed upon in the wrong way or for extended periods of time. You also need to know a great deal about where and how the blood vessels function in the hand and foot areas where skin is very delicate and vascular. You should take the anatomy portion of your education very seriously.Im studying to be a nail technician does anyone know if the anatomy is important?

to understand why removing the cuticle destroys the nail.Im studying to be a nail technician does anyone know if the anatomy is important?
If you want to be a good nail tech then listen to everything your instructor tells you It is all important. The people that don't listen are the ones that make our state boards so strict. Please do everyone a favor and learn everything as if it was the most important. Anatomy is very important, not just the nail plate and the nail bed and surrounding tissues but bones and nerves and muscles. VERY VERY VERY important so learn it well.

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